Every translation and/or interpreting agency that registers with VViN will initially be given the status of prospective member, for a period spanning two general members’ meetings.

This prospective membership can be seen as a mutual introductory period. What does a prospective membership entail?

  • Prospective members are welcome to attend the members’ meetings, which generally take place twice a year, in spring and in autumn. Prospective members have the right to speak at meetings, but not the right to vote.

  • They can participate in activities organised by the VViN, such as the annual conference which features specialised workshops.

  • They may also use the VViN logo as long as they mention that they are a ‘prospective member’.

  • They may also access the ‘members only’ content on the VViN website.

  • There is a one-time introduction fee of 50 euros.