A translation or interpreting agency that displays the VViN logo is your guarantee of quality and reliability.

  • Each member of VViN is ISO-certified.
  • Each member of VViN abides by the VViN code of conduct.
  • You can be sure of unambiguous communication of cost and delivery time.
  • If you are not satisfied and are unable to resolve the issue with the VViN company in question, there is always the safety net of VViN’s dispute resolution.


Each VViN company is different. Our members differ in terms of size and the services they offer, often having their own specialist area. They also set their own rates. What they have in common is that their working method complies with ISO standards for interpreting and translation services, that they continuously aim to achieve higher levels of professionalisation and that they abide by the VViN code of conduct.

General Terms and Conditions
VViN has drafted a set of General Terms and Conditions that its members are free to adopt. These T&C have been filed with the Chamber of Commerce in Utrecht, no. 40482690.

Many VViN members apply these terms and conditions, but they do not necessarily fit the specific services provided by individual companies, so some members opt to have their own T&C.

Ask about this when you approach an individual company.

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